62,000 young people supported through the Desjardins Foundation Prizes

62,000 young people supported through the Desjardins Foundation Prizes

Over 423 projects have been awarded Desjardins Foundation Prizes during this very different school year. The support will give 62,000 young people the chance to participate in empowering programs led by dedicated teachers and community leaders.

Since the Desjardins Foundation Prizes were launched 5 years ago, they've given more than 218,000 young people the chance to participate in more than 1,400 inspiring projects in Ontario and Quebec. For the first time this year, we'll also be supporting projects in Alberta and New Brunswick through the Desjardins Insurance Agent Network.

2019 Desjardins Foundation Prize winners

The Desjardins Foundation Prizes allow committed teachers like past winners Marie-Pierre, Mélanie and Guillaume to get their students engaged and motivated. You can hear about what inspired their ideas and how they launched their projects by listening to Beyond the Classroom, a podcast highlighting people who are making a difference for youth.