House it Going? Web Series: Preapproval

House it Going? Web Series: Preapproval (1 min 10 s)

Added on March 29, 2018

In part 3, Arnaud Soly learns about mortgage preapprovals.
House it Going? is a 5-part web series on buying a first home.

See all videos

House it Going? Web Series: Preapproval (1 min 10 s)

Added on March 29, 2018 | Desjardins Group

Note: The information in brackets describes the visual and audio content of the video, and the rest of the text represents spoken content.

[The title of the series appears syllable by syllable on a projection screen as Arnaud Soly sings a long as they appear, striking different poses in front of the camera.]

[On-screen text: House it Going?]

[The topic appears on the screen. In the background, there’s a small yellow house on a table. Background music.]

[On-screen text: 3. Preapproval]

[Arnaud Soly and Marie-Eve Dorion are sitting on stools in front of a white projection screen.]

Arnaud: Hi and welcome to House it Going? I’m Arnaud Soly, and this is Marie-Ève, advisor at Desjardins.

Marie-Eve Dorion: Hi, Arnaud.

Arnaud: So, Marie-Ève, House it Going in the real estate game?

Marie-Ève: House about we stop saying “house it going?”

[Marie-Ève looks at the camera.]

Arnaud: Pfff!

Marie-Ève: Last time, we talked about getting a mortgage, but even before that, it can be a good idea to get preapproved.

Arnaud: Preapproved for…?

Marie-Ève: Preapproved for your mortgage.

Arnaud: So, I can more-gauge what I can afford?

Marie-Ève: Yes. It tells you the maximum amount you can borrow to buy a house.

[Arnaud nods.]

Marie-Ève: Ideally, you would look for a house that’s below the maximum you can borrow.

[Arnaud nods.]

Marie-Ève:: And real estate brokers and sellers like to hear that you’ve been preapproved because it shows that you’re serious.

Arnaud: Well, forget about it then. I can’t prove that I’m serious about buying a house.

Marie-Ève: Why not?

Arnaud: Marie-Ève, come on. I make a living making up puns and playing the recorder with my nose. It’s not really…

[Cut to Arnaud sitting at the table with the yellow house. He’s playing Desjardins’s musical motif on a recorder with his nose.]

[On-screen text: Desjardins logo]